Dr. Coselli is the Executive Vice-Chair of the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery,
holds the Cullen Foundation Endowed Chair, and is Professor of the Division of
Cardiothoracic Surgery at BCM. He serves as Associate Chief of the Cardiovascular
Service at Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center, located in the Texas Medical Center in
Houston, Texas. Dr. Coselli was mentored by the pioneering aortic surgeon Dr. Crawford,
as well as legendary cardiothoracic surgeons Drs. Cooley and DeBakey. Maintaining this
rich legacy, he specializes in diseases of the aorta and directs the Aortic Fellowship
Program at BCM. He has performed more than 10,000 aortic repairs, including a record
3,800 thoracoabdominal aorta surgeries, for which he is world-renowned.

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